Parish Involvement
We seek to be a light for our community, a place where God's saving and transforming grace lives and works, changing lives.
St. John's congregation is active locally, nationally and internationally as servants and leaders in ministry inside and outside Christ's Church.
Consider becoming involved in one or many of our worship and liturgy roles; in-parish small groups; or in outreach projects. God doesn't call those who are able, he calls those that are willing and gives them the ability. Getting involved is just another way of engaging ourselves in a relationship with God, by utilizing our time and talents to serve Him and others; we transform the world one person at a time. If you are interested in joining any of these fellowship groups, please contact church@stjohns-ames.org.
Participate in Worship and Liturgy
Sunday worship services at St. John's involve clergy and lay people working together before, during, and after the service(s). Our worship services are a community offering to God. From captivating sermons, to behind-the-scenes Altar Guild members, to liturgy planning, our worship is enriched by the participation and talent of parishioners of all ages.
Help with Sunday Services
On Sunday mornings, you can be involved in the service as follows: Chalice Bearer, Greeter/Usher, Lay Reader, and Acolyte. Call the main office (515-292-6655) or email our Parish Administrator (church@stjohns-ames.org) for more information about these activities.
Liturgy Committee
Since the beginning of the church after the Crucifixion, lay people have been involved in worship. Not just being present for the service, but also part of designing the liturgy, and the way we conduct our worship. The liturgy is what opens our being to Christ’s teachings and is one conduit for his love into the world. It might seem like that is the purview of the clergy. But lay folks can affect how we worship and should be involved. To that end, we are asking folks to serve on a liturgy committee. Send your name to the office and we will start a list for this important service church@stjohns-ames.org.
Altar Guild
Altar Guild is seeking additional members to help set up and take down 8 AM and 10 AM Sunday Eucharists throughout the year. If you are interested in joining Altar Guild, please let Phillip know at church@stjohns-ames.com. We look forward to hearing from you! If you are contemplating becoming a member of the Altar Guild, consider attending our annual meeting in the fall to learn more about us! We are open to all those 12 years and older. You need not have experience as you will be trained after you volunteer.
Participate in Parish Small Groups
Outdoor Grounds and Gardens
St. John's outdoor workdays are organized on Saturday mornings throughout the spring and fall to help maintain the grounds and property. Tasks include:
• Trash pickup around the building. (Always!!)
• Weeding the mulched areas if needed
• Memorial Garden - general fountain upkeep
• Check gutters and roof drains for debris.
• Focus on ideas or tasks that can improve the east property area, now that the windows are done.
If you are interested in taking part in this essential parish ministry (while meeting other members of the congregation and getting some fresh air and exercise), please contact Phillip.
Bible Study
A group of dedicated individuals meets every Wednesday morning for Bible Study. This group uses various texts to look more in-depth at aspects of the bible affecting our current lives. Currently, we meet at 10:30 in the conference room before the noon Eucharist.
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Committee is open to anyone willing to help with the care and attention to fellow parishioners. Please contact Phillip for more information.
Order of the Daughters of the King
Perhaps you have noticed several women at St. John’s wearing a similar cross and you might have wondered what it signifies. Daughters of the King is an order of Christian women who are trying to follow a life of Prayer and Service. At St. John’s we meet on the third Sunday of each month (September - May) following the 10 a.m. service.
D.O.K. members follow two Rules. The first is The Rule of Prayer: every member must have a rule of daily prayer. Each month we keep an intercessory prayer list praying for members of our parish, friends and family, and each other. This list is confidential and incorporated into our daily prayers. The second rule is The Rule of Service: the application of one’s baptismal vows. That is to be Christ’s servant, to regularly take part in worship, study, and work of the Church, and to render aid to our Rector for the spiritual upbuilding of the parish.
See The Order of The Daughters of the King National Website for more information.